
Prof. Zhou Donghua Visited Universities in Japan and Canada

   October 22nd to 29th, Zhou Donghua, vice president of Shandong University of Science and Technology, was invited to visit Kyushu University, Nagasaki University in Japan and University of Calgary in Canada.

During the visit to Japan, 4 members ofZhou Donghua's first line were received by Professor Gao Songyang, Dean of theInstitute of engineering and engineering of Kyushu University, Professor ArakiKeijiro, Dean of the Institute of information and information science, andProfessor Miya Taiho of the Research Center for disaster reduction. The twosides discussed the possibility of scientific research cooperation in therelated fields, and the possibility of exchange visits between students andteachers. . Zhou Donghua and his colleagues, accompanied by Professor AlowaisyAdel, director of the information center, visited the Supercomputer Center ofthe University. During his visit to Nagasaki University, the delegationreceived a warm reception from Professor Da Tian, vice president of NagasakiUniversity, the director of the International Department of Germany, andProfessor Jiang Yujing of the Department of engineering. The two sidesexchanged extensive and indepth exchanges on talent training and scientificresearch cooperation. Jiang Yujing accompanied the delegation to visit theschool's laboratory, the library, and so on. . Zhou Donghua also met some of the student representatives at Nagasaki University.

During a visit to Canada, the delegationvisited Dr. Bai Jie, the Chinese Consul in Calgary, Canada, and through theintroduction of Dr. Bai Jie, I had a deeper understanding of Canadian highereducation, and relying on Consulates could better broaden the cooperationchannel with Canadian colleges and universities. During his visit to theUniversity of Calgary, the delegation received a warm reception from ProfessorJanaka Ruwanpura, vice president of the University of Calgary and ProfessorDavid Westwick, director of the Department of electrical and computerengineering in the Institute of engineering. Zhou Donghua visited the school'selectronic laboratory, the future innovation teaching model Institute and thesatellite positioning laboratory, and conducted academic exchanges with Prof.Gao Yang and vice professor Wang Ruisheng, and made specific consultations onthe joint training of doctoral programs, reached a consensus and agreed toformally start the agreement on the cooperation project. The grass works.During his stay in Canada, Zhou Donghua also gave a warm condolence to Dr. LiQinghai, our young teacher visiting University of Calgary.

Zhou Donghua's delegation visited KyushuUniversity, Nagasaki University and University of Calgary in Canada tounderstand the fields that could be collaborate with each other. It laid a goodfoundation for the signing of the intercollegiate cooperation agreement for thenext step and enhanced the friendship between the two sides.